Nutrigenomics Patient Scripts and Workflow eBook


Nutrigenomics can feel intimidating for both providers and patients. This eBook guides practitioners new to Nutrigenomics to facilitate a patient encounter that helps patients know their genetic benefits and vulnerabilities in an empowering way rather than scary or overwhelming. Give your patients the gift of knowing how to work with their blueprint to optimize clinical outcomes.



Simple Nutrigenomics Patient Scripts and Workflow Integration Models

Since diet and lifestyle modifications truly drive the needle in healing the root causes of disease symptoms, nutrigenomics can empower patients in a way few other tools can. Providing patients the knowledge of how their environment and nutrition are interplaying with their genetics provides them with keys to making well-informed daily health care decisions.

However, genetics can be intimidating for both the provider and the patient. How do providers interpret and prioritize information provided on a nutrigenomics report and communicate the information so it’s not intimidating or makes patients feel genetically flawed?

What’s Inside?

  • Introduction: How to introduce why nutrigenomics is important to include in your patient’s care plan.
  • In the words of Nutrigenomics Thought Leaders: How do you explain the value of
    nutrigenomics to your patients?
  • Visual tools to facilitate
    • virtual encounter
    •  in-person encounter
  • Workflow Integration Models
    • PureGenomics: Attracting New Patients with Nutrigenomics
    • Adding PureGenomics as part of your patient consultation
    • Re-engaging Former Patients
    • PureGenomics for Existing Patients
  • Nutrigenomic Consult Welcome Call Script
  • Build Your PureGenomics Process and Workflow
    • Workflow Recommendations
    • Sample Workflow for a PureGenomics consultation as an entry point into your practice
  • Staff Training
  • A Glossary of Terms
  • Conclusion: How to include nutrigenomics as part of the functional medicine model

Note: The ebook is a downloadable file you will receive access to upon successful purchase.