Season 3

S3. Ep5. How to be Seen as an Expert and Authority by Your Avatar

S3. Ep5. How to be Seen as an Expert and Authority by Your Avatar

Good Medicine On The Go
Good Medicine On The Go
S3. Ep5. How to be Seen as an Expert and Authority by Your Avatar

How to be Seen as an Expert and Authority by Your Avatar

When your prospective patient says ‘yes’ and engages with your ad, where do they land after that? In this episode 5, we’re going to explore how to continue their customized experience and why it is important to hold back on pushing the sale…for now.

Featured Speaker - Whitney Kolterman


Whitney Kolterman is currently the Marketing Director at The Kalish Institute. With over 25 years of experience, she has built and executed marketing strategies for companies including Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, CamelBak, Pebble Beach Resorts, AdRoll, and Salesforce. A certified holistic health coach, Whitney is personally passionate about health and wellness education and is dedicated to broadening awareness and adoption of Functional Medicine.


As we mentioned, our marketing expert, Whitney Kolterman is the Marketing Director at the Kalish Institute. You can find Whitney at the Kalish Institute Telehealth Business Essentials Bootcamp. The next Bootcamp begins on August 23. It’s eight weeks and is a deep dive into all aspects of running a profitable functional medicine practice. The Bootcamp covers topics from setting up your telehealth practice to financial and business planning, sales, and marketing, and then it covers the essentials for both telehealth and also the brick and mortar practices. Specifically on the marketing side, since that’s what we’re talking about with Whitney, the Kalish Institute Telehealth Business Essentials Bootcamp offers a framework for setting up the marketing strategy from start to finish so it’s easy for you to put it into action. Guided learning, from experts in the field, is much more efficient than trial and error.

Full Transcript

Speaker 1: (00:00)

This is Good Medicine On the Go.

Nathan: (00:10)

So, Kara, the Nadine analogy is a good one. So let’s keep going. The early part of dating is so exciting. You ask someone out, they say yes, and you’re so excited, but then you realize, oh snap! Now I actually have to plan our first date.

Kara Ware: (00:30)

Exactly clear the panic kind of sets in the butterflies, where are we going to go? What are they like to eat? How casual or formal should it be?

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Nathan: (00:39)

Well, the thing is, we’re still trying to get to know them. We don’t know these things yet and we’re trying to make that good first impression. And so the good news is we know they’re interested. They said, yes. Now we have to figure out the next step. And just like in marketing, Kara.

Kara Ware: (00:53)

Yeah, exactly. And in marketing terms, we’ve had the prospect say, yes, they’ve clicked on our ad and now we need to plan the next step. Where are they going to land?

Nathan: (01:05)

And that’s a hint.

Kara Ware: (01:11)

Hello, and welcome to season three. I’m Kara Ware, a National Board Certified Health Coach, and Business Advisor.

Nathan: (01:22)

And I’m Nathan Morris, a Certified Functional Medicine Provider, and a Medical Doctor.

Kara Ware: (01:25)

So real quick, let’s recap where we’re at. So remember marketing is not what you think it is. To us, marketing isn’t about sales, but about relationship building. And we also know we all need it. In our practice, our business is not a hobby.

Nathan: (01:43)

Yeah, no doubt, Kara. That’s the biggest thing I’ve learned this season is that I needed it. And the thing is I’m learning too, is I can do it. Marketing is easier than I thought. And a lot of our listeners may think, and what’s great about this podcast is that we’re going to really help people to avoid those rookie mistakes that we’ve been making. I think that’s the funniest thing about doing this together, me and you look at each other and go, holy crap out, base worry. So, and then one of the big things I’ve been taught is that marketing is about your patients. It’s not about you. And that was big. And then direct response marketing, which is different than the mass marketing you see the big companies do. This is really focusing on a particular niche avatar, and it’s focusing on educating, building trust and rapport and not rushing to the sale.

Kara Ware: (02:34)

Nathan, when I hear you say we can do it, honestly, it’s been going through this step-by-step process in this season that has given me more of a framework in my mind and a checklist and not feeling so scattered and fearful, right, to do this. So I’ve been so enjoying the season.

Kara Ware: (02:52)

So this season we’re breaking down, as Nathan said, direct response marketing into simple steps to help you and Nathan and me create and launch a highly effective marketing campaign. So whether you’re trying to grow your practice or just want to attract a certain type of patient, this season is for you. And each episode has built upon one another. So if you need to remember, go back and listen to episodes one through four. We’ve talked about writing our compelling ad, where we’re going to place that ad. And now in today’s episode, we’re going to discuss the design of the landing page, the purpose, and the important elements of a landing page. Plus what value and advance do we offer to capture their email? So where did do our prospects land after they click our ad, Nathan?

Nathan: (03:47)

Well, the ad directs them to a unique landing page and really focused on the word unique there to continue this conversation that you started with the ad.

Kara Ware: (03:56)

Yeah, let’s talk about what that looks like.

Nathan: (03:59)

Yeah, so ideally the landing page is specific to the avatar as I mentioned. It’s not a broad general landing page. You’ve kind of got your homepage on your website to be broad and general, but this is really designed for the person you’re trying to attract in your ad. This one avatar.

Kara Ware: (04:15)

Right, if we’re talking to everyone, we’re appealing to no one.

Nathan: (04:18)


Kara Ware: (04:19)

I love that. I say that all the time now.

Nathan: (04:20)

What is so true, when it’s that big aha moment for me is that you can’t be… And that’s what I was doing with my advertising. And so that’s why having this landing page specific to each avatar so useful, it allows us to talk to just one person, that one avatar that we’ve really focused on and identified as being important and plus making multiple landing pages really easy. I know a lot of people may out there going, oh, what the heck are you talking about? A lot of landing pages what? And websites like WordPress or Squarespace, which is really kind of where the foundation of most websites are based right now. It’s not hard at all to create these landing pages and kind of create a template and focus it on the different avatars you may identify.

Kara Ware: (05:03)

Right, so Nathan, we’re going to take this step-by-step and go over the three important points that cover the purpose, common pitfalls, and considerations on design for the landing page. So, all right, we know we need a landing page specific to each avatar. Got it. Check. Let’s talk about the point of the landing page. What are we trying to do?

Nathan: (05:31)

The purpose of the landing page is to build trust and rapport. And ultimately you want to collect leads. You want to be able to say, you’ve landed here, give me your email, your phone number, or whatever, and you want to be able to contact them. And remember, we’re not trying to sell anything at this point. That’s a common mistake. We’ll talk about that more later.

Kara Ware: (05:52)

So to build trust and rapport and create an effective landing page, we’ve come up with five things to include. So one is reassurance. Let your avatar know you hear them. It’s not all in your head. You’re not going crazy. It’s estrogen’s fault.

Nathan: (06:09)


Kara Ware: (06:12)

I love that one. And so remember, that’s what all the patients say who come to functional medicine is they don’t feel heard. So number one, re-insurance we hear you, number two, explain what’s going on and demonstrate your expertise. For example, here are sources of inflammation we need to start thinking about, right. There are a few simple ways to assess your personal situation. But again, we’re speaking directly in our case to that perimenopausal woman.

Nathan: (06:39)


Kara Ware: (06:39)

Three, we offer solutions. How can we get them feeling better? So we list of something that can help them right now. Some short-term wins and four offer even more, but only if they sign up for your email list.

Kara Ware: (06:54)

And number five, of course, we all know this is to include testimonies at the bottom of the page. For example, such a good testimony, Nathan, that you have was, I was so exhausted. I couldn’t be the mom-woman business person I wanted to be. Now I know what to avoid that makes me feel better and how to work with my doctor to keep my levels where they need to be, to live life to the fullest. That’s an awesome testimony to have right there that speaks right to that avatar.

Nathan: (07:18)

It really does. And that person says, that’s me.

Kara Ware: (07:20)

That’s the whole point of direct response marketing.

Nathan: (07:21)

Yeah, I want to be that person. [crosstalk 00:07:25] Thank you.

Kara Ware: (07:33)

Oh my gosh! Exactly. So Nathan you mentioned don’t rush to the sale. So let’s get into that.

Nathan: (07:38)

Right. The landing page is just our first date remember, you wouldn’t ask someone to marry you on your first date unless you’re really desperate and people will pick up on that, right. And if you’re in the dating world and somebody asked you to marry them right away, you’re going to run the other way. And a lot of times that’s, our customers are very or our patients or our prospective patients are very savvy. So we really want to take that into account that we’re just trying to start that conversation and keep that and build that relationship.

Kara Ware: (08:07)

And right. We talked to our friend Whitney Kolterman, the Marketing Director at the Kalish Institute about this.

Whitney: (08:19)

I think that especially right out of the gates that putting a price tag in front of somebody’s face, if they are just getting to know you is premature, the more you get to build that trust with them, then the more likely they’re going to be ready to ask, well, I’m interested. How much is that going to cost me? And tell me about that process of working with you. What does that process look like? How long will it take, over what period of time and what’s it going to cost? And that front-loading, that price tag is probably not the best idea.

Kara Ware: (08:53)

So yeah, selling comes later, after you’ve built trust and rapport with your prospect and odds are they’ll come to you. They’ll want to learn more. I mean, that’s what they’re searching for.

Nathan: (09:03)

Right. Knowledge is power and empowered patients is really what we want to see. And so we want to give them some of that empowerment before we even see them. And we need that remember to advertise with the future in mind. And then this is something, that’s why creating a plan is so important and keep creating that relationship with the prospects, which is like farming. I grew up, a little farm boy in Louisiana, but we planted the seeds and that was just the beginning, right. We had to water them, we had to fertilize and we had to get the weeds out and all of these things before we could reap the harvest. So don’t rush to the sale and that’s a rookie mistake. And remember, it’s farming, it’s really about, what you put in is what you’re going to get out.

Nathan: (09:45)

Another marketing expert we had the chance to talk to the season. Alan Dibb explained it this way. And I love these numbers Kara because they really opened my eyes to what’s going on with marketing. And I’m like, I think everybody that comes across my great ad or my great landing page should immediately engage. I’m like, what’s wrong with you? But only 3% are ready for a commitment right away, 7% are open to talking, just talking and 30% are interested, but not right now. So keeping that conversation going is important for when they are, so 40% is a huge percentage if you lead them to conversion.

Kara Ware: (10:22)

Yeah, the prospect may not be ready to buy right now. They may be in that contemplation stage of weighing the pros and cons, right of this commitment and they may need to think about it and gather more info and then make a decision and get to know you more. And that’s okay. That’s normal. And the landing pages are really a way to continue of course, as we said, the conversation that started with the ad and Whitney tells us to make this experience seamless. She recommends using similar colors, design elements, and language in both our ad and landing page.

Nathan: (11:01)

Yeah, Kara, I like The analogy of, if you meet somebody out and you go for your first coffee date or whatever, and they’re all clean and they look great and everything and you go over to their house and they got socks on the ceiling fan and couches on the porch, it doesn’t match up for what you experienced in the ad [crosstalk 00:11:17].

Kara Ware: (11:17)

That’s not a seamless experience. Wait, wait.

Nathan: (11:20)

You’re like wait a minute, it’s almost like going, that’s your landing page. You don’t want your landing page to look like a frat house compared to your real suave good-looking ad. So that’s my little blurb there.

Kara Ware: (11:30)

Right, because if we have too much, we confuse, right. So keep it seamless and simple.

Nathan: (11:36)

Okay, Kara. So let’s switch gears now and talk about how we’re going to use the landing page to collect leads.

Kara Ware: (11:41)

All right, four points for the landing page. Each landing page is specific to each avatar. The purpose is to build trust and rapport by offering reassurance, don’t rush to the sale and continue the conversation from the ad. Up next, we talk with Whitney Kolterman again about using the landing page to capture leads, right after this.

Speaker 1: (12:15)

This podcast is sponsored by the Atrium Innovations Family of Professional Brands, offering evidence-based supplements, advancing scientific research and providing clinical protocols and technology to empower practitioners globally. Atrium innovations brands include Pure Encapsulations, the number one trusted and recommended brand by practitioners. Douglas Laboratories, Genestra Brands, and LivingMatrix the fastest growing digital patient management system for functional medicine.

Kara Ware: (12:56)

What’s something unique, different, what are some maybe just best practices when you’re thinking of what can you deliver to capture that email that’s on that landing page?

Whitney: (13:06)

Yeah, I think that there’s a lot of different ways to approach it. But number one, it’s really just about figuring out and doing your best to understand what it is that your audience is looking for. And whether that comes in a form of a paper to download or a video to watch, or a helpful resource to learn more that creating those different content pieces and giving them a good reason to be interested in you is kind of the key, it’s that’s the hook. And then you can use things like gated landing pages, for example, so that they have to enter in their email address in order to download it, or in order to access it or asking folks to share with a friend or forward to a friend is another good tactic to use. Showing them what it is that you have to offer, giving them the important information that they’re looking for, and then giving them a reason to partner with you.

Whitney: (14:06)

Whether it’s let us share more information with you. We love, if you’re interested in this article or about this specific symptom you’re experiencing, then you might be interested in learning more, sign up for our email and we’ll send you some, or download these, here are some other related articles you might be interested in. And those are all just ways of fostering that trust and showing that you will be good partners down the road. So, and yes, that sort of translates into a sale, but it’s really about finding the right fit.

Nathan: (14:43)

Now that our avatar is on our landing page. We need to give value in advance in exchange for their email or other contact information that you may find important. We know working with the functional medicine practices is the decision-making process that we will fare better at moving prospects up the yes ladder, via things like education, trust, and the rapport that we’re talking about and what value in advance can you provide so as to become a trusted guide. That’s really important that they establish that trust.

Kara Ware: (15:14)

Let’s wrap up and revisit the main takeaways from this episode. So one, the purpose of the landing page, remember to build trust and rapport, capture leads, become their trusted guide. And we build that trust and rapport by confirming, we hear you, reassuring, this isn’t your fault, it’s estrogen’s fault and we’re validating what’s going on and we know what’s happening. We can help you to get your mind back. We hear you. And then again, creating a specific landing page for each avatar.

Nathan: (15:45)

Rookie mistake, rushing to the sale, don’t do it. Smaller, more incremental steps. It may take six to 12 steps to get that relationship established. And create that continuity from ad to landing page. You want the same look and feel, feel like they’re on a journey right away. And then you want to offer value in advance. And that must be specific to the avatar that you’re talking to and you grab with the ad.

Kara Ware: (16:09)

Yeah, and Whitney said, give the prospect a good reason to be interested to know more, to keep their interest peaked. So give them the important information they’re looking for and a reason to partner with you. And as we all know, the heart of functional medicine is the equal therapeutic partnership. So it’s a good idea to be better preparing the patient to work with you, to have a lasting relationship. So to find Whitney, we have included a link to the Kalish Institute Telehealth Business Essentials Bootcamp, starting this August in our show notes.

So we hope you are enjoying this season. Remember you can go to for blog posts and resource materials, and also in the show notes, go ahead and click on that link to join our newsletter. So thank you for listening as Nathan and I reimagine the functional medicine journey. And I would like to thank our writing team, Kelsey Stafstrom and Paul Larkin, and our audio engineer Isadore Nieves. Remember if you’d like to support this podcast, will you please follow us on your favorite podcast directories and tell a friend.

Show Notes

I am a paid advisor at Pure Encapsulations, I do not have any other conflicts of interest. All podcast productions represent the opinions of the co-hosts and do not represent the position or the opinion of the sponsors. Reference by the presenter to any specific product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, or manufacturer does not constitute or imply endorsement or recommendations by the Sponsor. The podcast is not a substitute for standard medical care. The podcast is intended for licensed health care practitioners. Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients.

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