Creating the Raving Fan: The Goal of the Marketing Journey
Ep 7 is the last episode in Season 3. We write our seasons like mini-courses so if you are just joining us, be sure to listen to the first six episodes. This season we discussed marketing for your functional medicine practice. You are a great doctor, but maybe you’ve seen a low conversion rate or a dip in new patients since the pandemic forced many practices to go virtual.
In the marketing campaign we described this season, we’ve harnessed the power of simplicity to turn prospects into patients. But with these new patients in our practice, how do we continue to build upon our relationship and transform these new patients into raving fans?
Featured Speaker - Whitney Kolterman
Whitney Kolterman is currently the Marketing Director at The Kalish Institute. With over 25 years of experience, she has built and executed marketing strategies for companies including Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, CamelBak, Pebble Beach Resorts, AdRoll, and Salesforce. A certified holistic health coach, Whitney is personally passionate about health and wellness education and is dedicated to broadening awareness and adoption of Functional Medicine.
As we mentioned, our marketing expert, Whitney Kolterman is the Marketing Director at the Kalish Institute. You can find Whitney at the Kalish Institute Telehealth Business Essentials Bootcamp. The next Bootcamp begins on August 23. It’s eight weeks and is a deep dive into all aspects of running a profitable functional medicine practice. The Bootcamp covers topics from setting up your telehealth practice to financial and business planning, sales, and marketing, and then it covers the essentials for both telehealth and also the brick and mortar practices. Specifically on the marketing side, since that’s what we’re talking about with Whitney, the Kalish Institute Telehealth Business Essentials Bootcamp offers a framework for setting up the marketing strategy from start to finish so it’s easy for you to put it into action. Guided learning, from experts in the field, is much more efficient than trial and error.
Full Transcript
Kara Ware: (00:00)
This is Good Medicine On the Go. Let’s start with a storytime today about nurturing our conversions, right? Yeah. Storytime. And the story is about the world’s greatest salesman. So, Joe Gerard sold 13,000 cars in just 15 years. That’s an average of six cars each day with no bulk deals, just one car at a time. How did he do it? His superpower was communication.
Kara Ware: (00:44)
Beyond being a hard worker and a likable guy, Joe sent handwritten greeting cards once a month to every person in his mailing list. This is the 1960s version of a world-class email campaign. He kept talking to them even in simple terms and he didn’t let them forget about them. He continued to nurture the customers he had and was rewarded with their loyalty and again, his world record for being the greatest salesman in the world.
Nathan Morris: (01:18)
Kara, what a great story, and what really blew me away by that story was that people set up appointments with him as a car salesman. I’m usually running in the other direction but he did such a great job. And so, I think that really emphasizes why our next steps are so important. And today we will cover how to start the most important aspect of marketing, which is really taking care of your new conversion and how to make them a raving fan. And this will help us wrap up the season.
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Kara Ware: (01:44)
Yes. Yes. Yes. This season we have been redefining marketing from the term sales to the concept of relationship building. And this new definition of marketing helps as many of us are uncomfortable with the word sales. So, are you for we jump into our final episode. Let’s take some time to go over what we have learned so far. And it has been a lot and how the season is really just the beginning in regards to marketing. Hello and welcome. I’m Kara Ware, a national board-certified health coach, and business advisor. Okay.
Nathan Morris: (02:26)
And I’m Nathan Morris, a medical doctor who is also certified in functional medicine. So, let’s go over what we’ve covered so far Kara just to remind our listeners if they haven’t listened to her previous six episodes. The first episode really focused on picking a niche or a niche [inaudible 00:02:43]. Still struggling with that right there. And if you’re looking to grow your practice, it can get more people into your practice actually.
Nathan Morris: (02:50)
Narrowing your focus actually does the opposite of what you think it actually helps you attract more people. Then on the other hand, as I’ve mentioned in the past is if your practice is already full, they can help attract your ideal patient and the one you enjoy treating the most. And we talked in episodes about hormones being too broad. So, if we wanted to select a niche, we would choose to focus on perimenopause, which narrows that down even further.
Kara Ware: (03:15)
Right. And that’s the example we’ve been giving the season. So, then, the next step was to choose the avatar. And the avatar is your ideal patient that lives within your chosen niche. So, this allows us to fine-tune our marketing efforts and join a specific conversation that’s happening in this avatar’s head. And again, remember our example of that perimenopausal high-achieving mom who feels like she’s losing her mind. And we learned the importance of speaking to a specific avatar because if we are talking to everyone, we are talking to no one.
Nathan Morris: (03:49)
So important to remember that.
Kara Ware: (03:51)
That’s my favorite takeaway.
Nathan Morris: (03:52)
Yeah. I know, right?
Kara Ware: (03:53)
I say that every time.
Nathan Morris: (03:54)
And then we need the join the conversation in the avatar’s head with a kick-ass ad. Our job is to break their inertia and that’s where a lot of people are sitting. And then they feel like they’re living with this pain. And this is just how things are going to be. And we need them to know we hear them and give them hope that we can help them gain their life back. In your ad, it’s important that we don’t sell functional medicine. They don’t probably know what that is. Don’t sell you but focus on them, focus on crafting a compelling message by touching on emotional hot buttons for your avatar that joins the conversation in their heads. This helps to get your avatar to say, yes, that’s me, and click on your ad.
Kara Ware: (04:33)
Yeah. And we also learned that your logo isn’t as important as you think it is in that ad space. So, then, we’re going to drive their journey from the ad to a custom landing page, right? That’s what we discuss next is continuing that conversation we started in the ad by building a specific landing page for your avatar that continues addressing their pains and potential gains. What are they coming to you for?
Kara Ware: (04:58)
They’re not really coming to you for functional medicine and they’re coming to gain back their mind, right? So, remember our goal at this stage is not to yet sell them something honestly but instead to convert them from a prospect to a lead by getting their email address through offering value in advance with exclusive offers like a video download.
Nathan Morris: (05:17)
Yeah. The video download is great. There are so many things you could offer them a value, so. And then you’re going to communicate with them through email campaigns as our final step. We don’t want to ghost our new leads. And that’s what happens. We got these new leads and then we forget about them. We got to keep the conversation going by organizing a nine mail email campaign that offers two value-added pieces for every one conversion offer or sell offer. This ratio helps to continue building your rapport and trust while giving you a key entry point for a call to action, to help with that conversion. In our last episode, number six, we’re reviewed how to write that tricky conversion email for those providers, uncomfortable with selling themselves which most of us are.
Kara Ware: (05:59)
Yeah. And in summary, you have their attention. You have their email, maybe even have your first point of contact with your practice. But now what? And hopefully they become a patient, right? We can’t forget to keep supporting them. You don’t stop going on dates just once someone agrees to be your partner, right? It’s just the beginning.
Nathan Morris: (06:20)
[inaudible 00:06:20].
Kara Ware: (06:21)
So, today we’re nurturing them by continuing the conversation that improves patient retention and loyalty.
Nathan Morris: (06:28)
Plus, we’ll also give the next steps with marketing to established patients, former patients, and then maybe leads that didn’t convert. And some of the best advice we’re going to give you is that business is a team sport and who you can add to your team to make this whole process seamless right after this.
Kara Ware: (06:51)
This podcast is sponsored by The Atrium Innovations Family of Professional Brands, offering evidence-based supplements, advancing scientific research, and providing clinical protocols and technology to empower practitioners globally. Atrium Innovations brands include pure encapsulations, the number one trusted and recommended brand by practitioners, Douglas Laboratories, Genestra Brands, and LivingMatrix, the fastest growing digital patient management system for functional medicine. Okay. So, at this point or a new marketing campaign has hopefully generated some new patients for us. But as we said, that’s not the end of the story. It really is just the beginning.
Nathan Morris: (07:41)
Right. As you said, we need to continue to nurture these patients. And just like Joe, the car salesman, we can create a marketing campaign to nurture our new patients to improve retention, better patient outcomes, and ultimately increase revenue as they become raving fans and drive even more business to your practice through that oh, so important word of mouth marketing.
Kara Ware: (08:02)
In this season, we’ve already established making a great first impression. But now, we need to make the impression last. So, we’re going to jump back into an interview with Whitney Colterman, the marketing director at the Kailash Institute who summarized it like this.
Whitney Kolterman: (08:20)
I see this time and time again, where folks, they’ll find the need. They’ll say, “Oh my gosh, we have to do our marketing.” They go out with a campaign and then they’re done with it. But marketing, essentially, you have to think of it as a very long-term conversation with your audience. And the more you engage in that conversation, the more loyal your audience will become and the more likely they will be to convert. And so, when you talk about, of course, all of us as marketers and salespeople, as practitioners, whatever business you’re in, we have part of our job is ensuring that we are seeking out new business, new patients, new… And that is definitely an effort that should never stop.
Nathan Morris: (09:05)
Whitney validated the need for continued communication with our new patients, building loyalty is exactly how we turn patients into that ultimate thing we want, which is raving fans. We created our marketing campaign for prospects. Now, how do we create this nurture campaign once they are our patients? Kara, let’s get into how we go about nurturing these new patients that we’ve converted.
Kara Ware: (09:26)
Right. Like Whitney said, right? We need to think of this as a very long-term conversation. So, there are four things we want to focus on, delivering a world-class experience, building a practice based on patient readiness, offer great deals to build loyalty, and continue to market to your new and existing patients.
Nathan Morris: (09:46)
Okay. So, first, on the list deliver a world-class experience.
Kara Ware: (09:51)
Yeah. I like the sound of that.
Nathan Morris: (09:53)
I know, right? It’s so important. It’s just that thing that really separates practices. And Alan Dibb, author of The 1-Page Marketing Plan, we have recommended over the season says, “To continue to wow customers under-promise and over-deliver,” I like to say. And I started writing personal notes to all my new patients after their first visit after I read his book to express my gratitude for their engagement with our practice. And then, Alan says, “Create systems to consistently deliver great results.” And thank goodness for your care because that is what we’ve done, right?
Nathan Morris: (10:25)
These systems really need to be in place and to create this follow-up after the visit. Is someone calling to answer questions the patient may have? Are you sending email campaigns that reinforce what you talked about in the visit? Did you put somebody on an elimination diet? Well, send them an email contained to explain your reasoning because I can guarantee you, they only heard about 10% of what you said in that visit.
Nathan Morris: (10:49)
And then remind them that you need them. And not that they need you, which is a different paradigm in medicine. I’ll never forget my local hospital when I first started medicine, they really treated me like I needed them and it was actually the opposite, but. So, there was no loyalty built there. So, we really want to change that paradigm and show them that we’re glad that they’re acting partners.
Kara Ware: (11:09)
Exactly. Exactly. The mutual participatory medical model, equal partners. So, building a practice that consistently wows customers and doesn’t result in patients falling through the cracks. So, it’s just what you were talking about with those systems designed and is largely dependent on having the front and back end systems. And we talked about how a health coach can help you set up and run these systems in season two. So, if you haven’t listened to season two, building a practice on patient readiness, I highly recommend you go and take a listen to that season.
Nathan Morris: (11:40)
Yeah. That was my first step Kara, was with you when we came together and combined our practices where you really creating that world-class experience by you talking to them before but immediately after the appointment, you called them reinforced everything I talked about, answered questions, and man, I could not have asked for better patients. They were mine from then on. They loved that because it really was a great reflection on me.
Kara Ware: (12:03)
Yeah. Yeah. And they were activated right in their care and they knew they weren’t alone. I think that’s one of the scariest things of living with chronic diseases. You feel very isolated and very alone. And in these systems really help them feel comforted and supported. And as Ashley Hao, one of our guests in season two put it health coaches are the implementation department. It’s the health coach’s job to help the patient actually implement the diet and lifestyle changes recommended by the provider and that we know those are the changes that really drive the needle in functional medicine.
Nathan Morris: (12:31)
Yeah. And that’s how you get patients to stick around. You follow up and you help them. That’s a novel concept, right? And you don’t just point them at a mountain, tell them to climb it. You climb it with them, be their medical Sherpa if you will.
Kara Ware: (12:47)
Right. Creating that therapeutic partnership. So, to learn more about the importance of a health coach, designing front and back-office systems, and how you can create an implementation department, your practice, again, check out season two of our podcast.
Nathan Morris: (13:02)
Okay, Kara. What’s next?
Kara Ware: (13:04)
So, number three on our list is offering great deals.
Nathan Morris: (13:07)
Yeah. This is fun. I like giving discounts and deals on things like supplements for my patients and helping them with the cost of functional medicine.
Kara Ware: (13:17)
Yeah. It’s like what you always say, it’s a win, win, win.
Nathan Morris: (13:21)
Yeah. Everybody wins.
Kara Ware: (13:21)
Everyone wins. I love that. That’s your business model. And I’ve seen it over and over again in your practice where patients purchase from you rather than Amazon because of that discount code that you provide. You have been very successful at creating loyalty with supplement purchases specifically and in your practice in general by offering great deals such as that discount code.
Nathan Morris: (13:41)
Yes. There’s no one that doesn’t appreciate a great deal. And the people who hook them up, you create some loyalty there. They really appreciate that.
Kara Ware: (13:48)
Yeah. Yeah. And this one’s easy to wrap our heads around, right? But let’s give some other examples besides supplements.
Nathan Morris: (13:54)
Yeah. This could be value adds like would you like to do a peer genomics review for a discounted price? What about a private Facebook group during your office hours where people find and feel part of a community and they feel part of your practice and like you’re paying attention. And one of the things we’re going to be looking at is group coaching events with access to the provider during those events. So, those are some real easy value ads that we should be.
Kara Ware: (14:22)
Yeah. Yeah. We’re really close to launching that group coaching event. I’m excited about it. So, lastly… And this one’s important. We have to keep marketing to our new patients.
Nathan Morris: (14:31)
Yeah. Kara, both our marketing experts this season, Whitney Kolterman and Allan Dibb warranted this common mistake. Most businesses stop marketing to their customers or patients once they’ve converted them. And that’s a big mistake.
Kara Ware: (14:43)
Yeah. Yeah. And Alan, makes the point in his book to say, “This is one of the things that separates extraordinary businesses from ordinary ones.”
Nathan Morris: (14:51)
Yeah. Going back to our dating analogy, it would be like going through all the hassle of dating, getting married, and then completely ignoring your spouse and a hot tip for anyone out there, this is not the way to go.
Kara Ware: (15:02)
Yeah. You still have to date your spouse.
Nathan Morris: (15:04)
You still need to take her out to dinner and [inaudible 00:15:07].
Kara Ware: (15:08)
Yeah. She was there every day. So, let’s find some time to talk about how to do this. How we are going to continue this relationship-building with our new patients? And so, to help us figure this out, again, we’re going to talk with Whitney Colterman, our friend and marketing expert at the Kailash Institute. So, will you coach us today about what do we need to be thinking about? What do we need to do in terms of marketing strategy to nurture these new patients that we’ve created from our marketing campaign?
Whitney Kolterman: (15:36)
Exactly. Exactly. And I know that it can be overwhelming to think, “Oh my gosh, I’m going to communicate with these people over the course of the year. What in the world am I going to say for a year?” And it can just feel overwhelming but when you put it in a spreadsheet and just bear in mind that sometimes it’s just a tip. It’s a health tip or here’s a recipe or here’s a whatever it may be. It’s just a short little helpful hint as you would pass along to a friend.
Whitney Kolterman: (16:02)
And so, again, using your frequently asked questions as the basis for that and start a list of those frequently asked questions and then say, “Okay. Maybe we just addressed one of those questions a month or we can even break out the question into two segments.” And you’re suddenly you’ve got something for January. You’ve got something for March. You got something for April and videos are great but I’d say don’t feel the pressure to create a new video every single month.
Whitney Kolterman: (16:28)
And again, same with the blog. That can feel overwhelming to have to write a whole long article. Maybe if you can depending on resources and the amount of bandwidth you have in your schedule plan for one of those a quarter, let’s say.
Kara Ware: (16:41)
Ooh, I love that. Yeah.
Whitney Kolterman: (16:43)
One of the content, create larger nuggets of content in the more time-consuming pieces of content, like a video or like a blog and pepper those in over the course of the year, and then in between those times, you can have your helpful tips or just shorter blurbs that probably like a health coach or somebody on the team can help to put that into some pretty language that can go in the email. And then, it just takes as you were saying just part of pairing that with the relevant call to action, which is going to be something that is related to the topic you’re talking about or to the symptom or…
Whitney Kolterman: (17:22)
But also I think it helps to put that call to action again into the framework of the educational framework. So, for example, if you have a discount code for a specific supplement, you’ll just want to share. And also we’ve found that this supplement is beneficial for X, Y, and Z, which we recommended for these reasons. And here’s a discount code. And so, that people understand why. Why you as a practitioner feel that this will help them.
Kara Ware: (17:55)
Yeah. And circling back to what you said at the very beginning, all of these touchpoints are helping them to stay with this long journey. I mean, functional medicine is not something that happens quickly. And so, continuing to be by their side as their loyal guide, as their partner, helping them see through this implementation, sticking with the program really does build that loyalty and that set of raving fans. And that is when we start really truly building a robust practice is when those word-of-mouth referrals start streaming in. I love that.
Whitney Kolterman: (18:28)
Absolutely. Yeah. People, I think really appreciate the accountability too. And that support. I mean, there’s a reason everybody loves to have a personal trainer, right? Because it’s like [inaudible 00:18:38] on our own. Yeah. Some people can but it’s really hard sometimes for a lot of folks. And so, just having that gentle reminder or we’re here for you or here’s a new resource and some more information just to keep it top of mind that this is a journey, it’s a process and we’re here with you on that journey as your partner and advocate for your health.
Whitney Kolterman: (18:59)
And also remember… And this happens in every field, I think but remember that your patients do not know what you know. So, sometimes, the simplest tips that you feel, “Oh my gosh, it’s so basic.” Like nobody wants to hear this, are the ones that really people say, “Wow, I actually didn’t know that.” And so, I just say, don’t forget that you have so much knowledge to share. I’m really engaged. Yeah.
Kara Ware: (19:27)
Yeah. Which makes that content calendar feel more doable, right? Because we can just give those some simple tips and then plan for videos, blogs, those other things that take a little bit more of our time, maybe once a quarter.
Whitney Kolterman: (19:40)
Kara Ware: (19:41)
Yeah. Yeah. And then after a year, you’re going to have four or five blogs, four or five videos and then you automate them. I mean, that’s for [inaudible 00:19:49].
Nathan Morris: (19:53)
So, let’s summarize the question we just answered. How do you continue to nurture [inaudible 00:19:58] patients? How do we keep the conversation? I know this is an area I’m working on and I’ve identified it through this season. And so, I’m improving this by using a customer relationship management software influx MD, where I’m going to have these email campaigns that are for specific patients and for specific diagnoses. And so, I’m really going to stay engaged and not take my patients for granted that I’ve converted.
Nathan Morris: (20:22)
So, here’s some take-home points, deliver a world-class experience by connecting with your patients intentionally and personally. And I do this by writing them notes after their first visit. It’s just my beginning step now. And then, I’m going to build a practice based on patient readiness by implementing a health coach, which can be essential to building a strong and sustainable patient-provider partnership and offer specialized deals or discounts for your avatar and value-added things like Facebook groups and then continue to market to your new and existing patients and keep that spark alive.
Kara Ware: (20:56)
I like that, keep that spark alive. It’s well said.
Nathan Morris: (20:57)
Yeah. So, we’ve done it. We’ve caught the attention of a new prospect. We turned them into a patient and by continuing to nurture the relationship, converted them into a raving fan. Let’s take a moment to celebrate Kara.
Kara Ware: (21:11)
This is a big deal. Maybe like us, you started the season with no marketing plan. You always had a wildly successful practice. And when you moved to Colorado, you were like, “Oh gosh, I have to dive into marketing. No one knows me here.” So, if you followed along, hopefully, like us, you now have a solid foundation for a couple of marketing campaigns and a foundation now that we’re going to build on. So, let’s take a moment to talk about the next steps. So, now that we have our first marketing campaign in place, where do we go from here and how do we build a team to get it done? So, first things first, we need to measure the success of our campaign. Did at work. Remember Allen told us, “It’s a success if you made more than you spent.” Pretty simple.
Nathan Morris: (22:03)
Pretty simple.
Kara Ware: (22:05)
Well, we do need to track it because if it wasn’t successful, then where did it break down? So, we do need to analyze the data that we collected from our UTM codes. I remember when we first learned about UTM codes at the beginning of the season, my mind was blown and now it’s so easy. I’m like, “Why was I not doing this?”
Kara Ware: (22:22)
But we need to track into the data from who’s following those UTM codes and the landing page conversions and the email clicks and open rates. And then we can cross-reference that data with patient behavior from our EMR, right? We can run a report for example to see how many new patients did we acquire in that time of that marketing campaign. And then, like Alan said, “How much did we spend? How much did we make?” And then we’re constantly making adjustments and fine-tuning to this marketing campaign.
Nathan Morris: (22:50)
A then a really hot tip I’ve got this season from reading Allan’s book is to keep paying attention to the leads that didn’t convert. People that may have signed up but said not at this time because only 3% of people are really ready to make that commitment right away. There’s 37% more according to Alan that really our goal we’ll make a commitment over time but they need to know more. And so, things that we’re doing as the good medicine group coaching visits, which we’re getting put into place and these are people we’re all from a really affordable solution to get functional medicine at a very good entry point and it’s less expensive and they’re going to get to know me. And hopefully, through that process, it won’t do the opposite but it’ll draw them into the practice.
Kara Ware: (23:32)
Right. And get them ready for that big commitment. They just might not be ready just yet. Like he said, only 3% of people already right now. I love actually that we had a whole season about this and then he validated that in his book of not ignoring those people that don’t convert. So, also, maybe this is the time for marketing campaigns for other avatars. Now, if you’re looking to grow your practice or you have other ideal patients, you can rinse and repeat for that next avatar, everything we learned this season.
Nathan Morris: (24:01)
Yeah. So, it’s a really heavy lift at first. And then it’s a lot lighter because you just change your message. Yeah. You automate.
Kara Ware: (24:08)
Yeah. And you change your message. Yeah. You already have the infrastructure.
Nathan Morris: (24:11)
Yeah. That’s great. And then the other thing I thought was interesting is that we can reactivate former patients. And one of the things we’re doing with one of the providers that works with me has a lot of former patients, he made a move and he’s now an hour almost 30 minutes away from where he was. And so, we need to reactivate those patients. And so, we’re looking at using Nutrogenomix as a 30 minute discounted visit, just to say, “Here, look what we’re doing different in this new practice and it’s been a great success by just focusing on a very small marketing campaign on just that nutrient and genomics and getting that discount.”
Kara Ware: (24:49)
Yeah. And that’s all about season one. So, if you are a provider who is looking to integrate Nutrogenomix into your practices, season one is specifically designed for you and as an entry point. So, then, of course, fostering more leads, right? We’ve talked about ads and emails and however thinking about other streams of referrals, of course, right? Complimentary professionals, local businesses, networking in your community. And then, of course, the Institute for Functional Medicine, find a practitioner database on their website. So, it’s not just our own marketing campaign, networking and other sources of referrals of course are really important to continue considering and building.
Nathan Morris: (25:28)
And then creating deliberate word-of-mouth referral systems for those raving fans to send us more business. And I had a really neat experience with my audiologist. Yes, I’m wearing hearing aids now. That’s the joy being [inaudible 00:25:40]. So, [crosstalk 00:25:41]. Yeah. Yeah. When I asked my wife, I was like, “What are you eating?” She tells me and I’m like, “Where’d you get Lama meat?” And she said, “No. You asshole.” It’s lunch meat. It’s time to get hearing aids. So, that’s a true story.
Nathan Morris: (25:57)
Anyway, so, when I went and saw these audiologists, they sent me an email that said, “Hey, did you enjoy your experience? Consider liking us on Google or liking us on Facebook.” I mean, it was right after I left there and they have a counter in their office saying how many Facebook likes they have. And that’s a word-of-mouth referral system in and of itself. And that also reminds me to tell other people in that email about my experience, which was great. So, these are things you can do in these next steps.
Kara Ware: (26:26)
Deliberate word of mouth referral systems. And Allen talks a lot about that in his book. That’s really a good point. Okay. So, design front and back-office systems to activate patients in their care and prevent patients from falling through the cracks, configure your technology ducks sometimes up to seven, 10, 12 different platforms, right? Okay. Continue your education on all aspects of medicine, create content, design, implement and track four to five simultaneous marketing campaigns. Wait, there’s more. See if your patients have an equal family life balance. I think I’m probably forgetting something but God, it is as overwhelming to our provider for honest as it can be for patients and new to this medical model. So, I don’t know. Is there anything I forgot?
Nathan Morris: (27:27)
You just gave me a panic attack here in that list of things I have to be responsible for.
Kara Ware: (27:31)
Right. Right.
Nathan Morris: (27:32)
Remember, letting go of work in your practice can be difficult, especially if you’re a control freak and a perfectionist like most entrepreneurial types are, which are most functional medicine doctors. You didn’t get into this because you followed the herd. But it’s necessary if you’re going to get scalability and leverage in your business, otherwise, you end up effectively paying yourself minimum wage for routine tasks while sacrificing high-value tasks such as being the medical provider that only you can be.
Nathan Morris: (27:57)
So, in essence, business is a team sports guys. Hear me on this? I’ve learned this. You need to build a team, not employees but independent contractors. And I’ve really been working on that this season. I’ve got someone to help me with videos. I’ve got someone that’s going to help me with my ads. I’ve got someone that’s now a project manager of my marketing. And this is not that expensive really when you look at it and the time they’re saving me. And if you could spend $1 and make three, that’s a great business decision. And I think that’s the secret of marketing, which we’re not really exposed to as providers. So, really this investment pays off.
Kara Ware: (28:35)
And you know what I think? You’ve always been really good at that. I mean, you allowed me to be such an important piece to your team and now you’re expanding your team. And I really have always admired how you’re open to having people work alongside of you.
Nathan Morris: (28:47)
Maybe because I’m a little bit lazy Kara. I don’t know.
Kara Ware: (28:51)
Well, work smarter not harder.
Nathan Morris: (28:54)
That’s right.
Kara Ware: (28:55)
We’re redefining lazy here.
Nathan Morris: (28:56)
That’s right.
Kara Ware: (28:58)
So, if you want to hear more about the team that Nathan is compiling and the job descriptions, and much more, you can check out a blog post that I’m writing on my website,
Nathan Morris: (29:16)
Kara, I’m tearing up a little. I always get a little sad at the end of the season.
Kara Ware: (29:20)
I know. I know. I know. But it’s okay poor baby. We’re going to be back next season. But before we sign off, let’s summarize this last episode because we talked about several things. So, one, nurturing our new patients by continuing our relationship-building efforts, right? Our marketing efforts to improve patient retention and loyalty.
Kara Ware: (29:44)
Let’s keep those patients that we just worked so hard to convert. And then ideas for the next steps, right? You can market to establish patients, former patients, and leads that didn’t convert. Those were those four to five simultaneous marketing campaigns I mentioned just a little bit earlier. And finally, we emphasized the idea that business is a team sport. And who can you add to your team to make this whole process seamless?
Nathan Morris: (30:09)
With that said, we hope you’ve enjoyed this season.
Kara Ware: (30:12)
I’ve enjoyed it. I’ve learned so much. It really did-
Nathan Morris: (30:14)
You do.
Kara Ware: (30:15)
Break this down and give me an idea of how to do this and break my inertia. So, many providers right in the depths of practice development say when they wake up in the morning, someone just said this to me the other day. So, I wanted to share it with you guys. They wake up and they have no idea what to work on because there’s so much work to do again, that paralysis I was just mentioning.
Kara Ware: (30:38)
It is as we mentioned, functional medicine is overwhelming for all of us providers and patients alike and fear and paralysis. It’s real, so. And we know marketing is the key to getting us back where we want to be and helping patients and providing the care that we want to be and fulfilling our role as a healer. And we know marketing can be intimidating. So, we hope this season helped you as much as we have an easy starting point with a simple marketing plan.
Nathan Morris: (31:05)
Yeah. Kara, when I entered a new community with no established relationships, it drove me to dive into marketing and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done.
Kara Ware: (31:12)
Yeah. Yeah. This has been really fun. All right. Well, we will be back for season four. So, stay tuned. But in the meantime, please remember to listen to season one. If you’d like to have an entry point for providers new to nutritional genomics and season two as I mentioned several times, building a practice based on patient readiness and how to intelligently integrate a health coach. And then also, we invite you to engage with us at the good medicine On the Go events where we will explore nutritional genomics case studies starting this month. So, you’ll find that link in our show notes.
Nathan Morris: (31:50)
And thank you all for listening. And I like to end on a quote by Teddy Roosevelt, which goes like this and sums things up, “In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing and the worst thing you can do is nothing.” And I think that sums up marketing.
Kara Ware: (32:08)
Right? You show up-
Nathan Morris: (32:09)
And do something.
Kara Ware: (32:14)
And do something. All right. Well, we will be back next season and we’ll see you at Good Medicine On the Go. Remember, you can go to for blog posts and resource materials, and also in the show notes, go ahead and click on that link to join our newsletter. So, thank you for listening as Nathan and I re-imagine the functional medicine journey. And I would like to thank our writing team, Kelsey staff Strome and Paul Larkin, and our audio engineer Isadore. Ne. Remember, if you’d like to support this podcast, will you please follow us on your favorite podcast directories and tell a friend.
Show Notes
I am a paid advisor at Pure Encapsulations, I do not have any other conflicts of interest. All podcast productions represent the opinions of the co-hosts and do not represent the position or the opinion of the sponsors. Reference by the presenter to any specific product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, or manufacturer does not constitute or imply endorsement or recommendations by the Sponsor. The podcast is not a substitute for standard medical care. The podcast is intended for licensed health care practitioners. Practitioners are solely responsible for the care and treatment provided to their own patients.
Podcast episodes
Season 3 Episodes
- S3. Ep7. Creating the Raving Fan: The Goal of the Marketing Journey
- S3. Ep.6. A Fresh Take on an Old Service: Why Emails are Our New Favorite Thing
- S3. Ep5. How to be Seen as an Expert and Authority by Your Avatar
- S3. Ep4. Choosing the Right Medium for Your Ad Best Bang for Your Buck
- S3. Ep3. Breaking the Inertia by Grabbing Their Attention with an Effective Ad
- S3. Ep2. Why Most Advertising is Totally Useless and What to Do Instead
- S3. Ep1. Marketing to Everyone is a Sure-Fire Way to Appeal to No One
Season 2 Episodes
- S2. Ep7. Interviewing, Hiring, Training, and Optimizing the Integration of a Health Coach
- S2. Ep6. Introducing the New Modifiable Lifestyle Factor
- S2. Ep5. The 15-Minute Entrance to Your Practice
- S2. Ep4. Health Coach Workflow Models in Clinical Practice: Part II
- S2. Ep3. Health Coach Workflow Models in Clinical Practice: Part I
- S2. Ep2. The Missing Intervention in Health Care: The Science of Coaching
- S2. Ep1. Building a Robust Practice on Patient Readiness
Season 1 Episodes
- S1. Ep8. Highlights and a Sneak Peek at Season 2
- S1. Ep7. Exercise is as Unique as Your Patient
- S1. Ep6. Why is the Generic Advice “Eat Right and Exercise” Bad Advice?
- S1 Ep5. Feeding on Fear
- S1. Ep4 Finding the Best Pricing Model For Your Practice
- S1. Ep3. Immune Insights
- S1. Ep2. First Things First, Mental Health
- Good Medicine On the Go with Dr. Nathan Morris and Kara Ware